Lay-off and discount in the market are reflect the falling of economic. 裁员和商场里的降价直接反映了经济下滑。
Fierce bidding for the blocks has narrowed the discount to the market price, according to bankers, increasing the danger of a deal turning sour for the bank. 据银行家们表示,大宗交易的激烈竞标已缩小了这类交易相对公开市场价格的折价幅度,对银行来说,这增加了交易出问题的风险。
All textbooks on money and banking highlight the three principal policy options open to central banks: discount lending, open market operations, and reserve requirements. 所有货币银行学的教科书都强调央行有三大政策工具:再贴现率、公开市场操作和存款准备金率。
We judge that current sector share prices substantially discount new issuance because the market wants and expects additional equity. 我们判断,当前银行板块股价已在很大程度上计入新发股票,因为市场想要(而且预期会有)额外的股本。
The share exchange, supposedly for a nil premium, is at a discount to the market price that had been reached after months of deal speculation. 换股溢价理论上应该为零,但与经过数月交易猜测后达到的市场价格相比有一定折让。
And herein lies the opportunity for selective investors. For, despite the very strong performance from the sector as a whole, many natural resources stocks still trade at a discount to the market at large. 对于有选择力的投资者而言,这正是机会之所在,因为尽管该行业的整体表现非常强劲,但很多自然资源类股票的估值仍低于整体市场水平。
Hubert Wang Tose, of Anemone Green Capital, which is advising Mr Woo on the deal, said that under regulations, Central Textiles would have to sell its voluntary-based carbon credits for a deep discount compared to the CDM market. 就此交易向吴柏年提供顾问服务的AnemoneGreenCapital的HubertWangTose表示,根据规定,中央纺织将不得不以相对于CDM市场较大的折让销售其建立在自愿基础上的碳排放信用。
Call money and discount market Short cycle times can be achieved by detaching the mold plates before the concrete is completely set up. 短期拆放和贴现市场在混凝土完全硬化之前拆模可以缩短周期时间。
Would you consider increasing discount to open the market, as this is a new product of yours? 这种商品是你们的新产品,为了打开市场,你们是不是考虑多给一些折扣?
Call money and discount market 短期拆放和贴现市场
However, gains were likely to be concentrated at the discount and supermarket ends of the market. 不过,得益的企业很可能集中在零售市场中的折扣店和超市。
Why not discount aggressively, to break open the market? 为什么不推出咄咄逼人的折扣来打开市场呢?
They understand that to sell their interest in private equity funds to a secondary fund before full term usually requires a discount, particularly in today's market. 他们明白在投资期结束前出售他们在私募股权基金中的投资给次级基金通常需要折价处理,尤其是在当今的市场条件下。
Under current rules, when a company announces a new share issue, hedge funds and other investors can short the stock and then buy back shares to cover their short position through the new share allocation, which is usually priced at a discount to the market price. 根据现行规定,当一家企业宣布发行新股时,对冲基金及其它投资者可以做空股票,随后通过新股分配回购股票,回补其空头头寸。新股分配价格往往较市价有所折让。
According to rules issued last year by the regulator, shares in listed companies cannot be sold at more than a 10 per cent discount to their market price. 根据中国监管部门去年发布的规定,上市公司对外出售股权时,价格折让幅度不得超过市场价格的10%。
He must maintain his tough public rhetoric on sanctions while privately signalling to China and India and only China and India that they should continue buying Iranian oil, but at a large discount from market price. 他必须坚持他在制裁问题上的强硬公开立场,同时私下里向中国和印度而且只有这两个国家提出,它们应继续购买伊朗石油,但应较市场价格有大幅折让。
EvalResale-Prompts you for deals based on discount from the market value, AH fee, and expected relistings. 在一个交易达到市场定价一定折扣的时候提醒你,并包括拍卖费用和预计的重新拍卖。
The large discount to the offer price underlines market scepticism that a deal will be completed. 股价与收购报价之间的巨大价差,突出表明市场怀疑交易可能无法完成。
An Empirical Study on the Price Discount and Long-Run Market Performance of Equity Private Placement in Chinese A Share Market 我国A股市场定向增发折价及其长期市场表现的实证研究
London Discount Market association 伦敦贴现市场同业公会
With a view to trade at discounts of closed-end funds, this paper tries to answer what is the character of the closed-end fund discount in Chinese market. 针对封闭式基金折价交易现象,本文解释我国封闭式基金折价交易的表现特征。
Using this technique, it takes the market discount rate into account but the market mortgage rate. 这是基于贴现利率与市场抵押利率之间存在的连动关系。
The discount transactions of closed-end funds are the normal phenomena of China and overseas fund market, and the failure of traditional economic theories to explain the discount brought suspicion to The Efficiency Market Hypothesis. 封闭式基金的折价交易是国内外基金市场的普遍现象,而传统经济理论在解释封闭式基金折价现象方面的失败对市场有效性假说提出了质疑。
It discusses the principles, the model of value assessment and the suitable conditions for Discount Cash Flow ( DCF), market comparative method and option pricing method. 详细探讨了折现现金流量法、市场比较法和期权定价法的原理、价值评估模型及其适用条件。
Afterwards various kinds of interest rates were also liberalized: short-term security market, discount market have both been developing rapidly in recent years, and the interest rate of the government bonds is also determined basically by the market. 随后,一系列的利率逐步放开:短期证券市场、贴现市场在近年来发展迅速,国债利率也基本实现了市场化。
Pricing strategy of transfer in incomplete market, internal discount based on market, is presented. 中间产品市场不完全时,基于市价基准上的最优内部折扣定价策略。
We conclude which is possibly due to the following reasons: calibration process, model accuracy, closed end fund discount and market inefficiency. 我们发现,两者得出的结果和实际市场价格有着些许差距,这也许是由以下这些原因造成的:校准参数的过程,模型的准确性,封闭式基金折价以及市场的不有效性。
Explanatory variables used in these regressions are the actual issue price, and therefore, when artificially issued at a discount on the primary market, these regression equations had underestimated the true value of the IPO. Of course, the regression results will lack credibility. 这些回归使用的解释变量都是实际的发行价,因而,当一级市场存在人为折价发行时,这些回归方程就已经低估了IPO的真实价值,回归结果当然也就缺乏可信度。
Reducing cultural discount is essential in expanding international market for Chinese film and television products. 降低影视产品的文化折扣是中国影视业走向世界的重要手段。